Thursday, March 08, 2007


Big Block Smoker Has Plenty Of Versatility

For those outdoor chefs who often work with a variety of meats, a big block smoker may be the solution. With and average size of three feet high and two feet wide and deep, these smokers can hold a lot of meat, over 50 pounds, and can operate on wood or gas, depending on the type you buy.

Many people prefer a gas or electric big block smoker to allow better control over the temperature, but with many of the smokers having three or more dampers to allow heat to escape, a wood-fired big block smoker is not out of the question. It will depend on how many people you plan to invite to your cookouts.

Although most big block smokers are capable of cooking a variety of meats at the same time, due to the potential for cross-species contamination it is not recommended. For the safety of your cooked, only one species at a time should be cooked. You should also consider the flavorings rubbed on the meat prior to cooking as well. If you have more than one flavoring, it should be placed above the meat with the same flavoring. For example, lemon pepper above lemon pepper not over barbecue.

The Better The Smoker The Better The Results

When it comes to comparing one big block smoker to another, do not judge by price alone. Smokers of this type are going to be between $100 and $400 with a lot of room for savings in between. Being able to spot the features you want and need in a smoker is what will help you make the right decision.

Just as you do not want to buy a big block smoker that has more capacity than you will ever use, you also do not want one that will require two or more cycles to smoke enough food for your party. On average, a fifty-pound capacity will probably be sufficient for most home use occasions, and any more than that may cause you to heat space you are not using.

Proper cleaning of your big block smoker prior to every use is important to help maintain the flavor of your food. Keeping food safe from contamination of previous cooked foods is also important, but allowing cooked food particles to dry on your cooking grates will harm the flavor of your next cookout as well as set the stage for bacteria growth.

For more big block smoker info visit

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Great Barbeque Smokers

No matter where you live in the world, if you like to barbeque, you probably have a wonderful recipe for whatever you like to cook. There are many tools to this particular trade. First of all, you need the kind of meat that everyone knows you can cook well. You also need the right utensils to make this food worth cooking. You need a great recipe – with the right kinds of sauces and the right amounts of time preparing, as well as the right seasonings. Most of all, though, you need the right place to cook it. This is where barbeque smokers come into play.

What Are They?

When you are dealing with cooking meat on a barbeque, barbeque smokers are the best ways to go. They might look like ordinary grills, but they most certainly are not. barbeque smokers give you the freedom of grilling out, and grilling to taste, as well as the enjoyment of eating food you have prepared yourself. But the preparation is the key. With barbeque smokers, instead of being grilled, your food is smoked to perfection.

This is an excellent way to prepare food of any sort. With barbeque smokers, you can baste and prepare your meats and vegetables to your liking, and you can put them in the barbeque smokers for any amount of time, until they are finished and ready to eat.


There are some schools of thought that say that smoking your food with barbeque smokers make its more healthy. In deed, they are cooked in such a way that the fat doesn't acquire quite so much as over an open flame. Also, the food will have a rich and smoked taste to it with barbeque smokers.

While you might have to wait a little bit longer for your food, using barbeque smokers and other smokers is really going to enhance the overall flavor and quality of the food that you are cooking. And, when it comes to grilling out and cooking for our families, isn't that what is the most important? Even if it takes a bit longer, the food is going to come out with a very distinct and interesting flavor. This smoked flavor is what makes barbeque smokers so popular. The taste of meat and vegetables cooked with smokers is so much different from that of the food grilled that many people will buy a grill as well as a smoker so that they can continue to prepare many different meals with many different types of food for their families.

For more barbeque smokers info visit

Monday, March 05, 2007


Making Use Of Barbeque Grill Covers

When you have paid for a barbeque grill, one of the first things you are going to want to invest in is one of the barbeque grill covers that can be found. This is something that is very important for you to get for your barbeque grill. There are many reasons that barbeque grill covers become very important when you are taking care of your property, for many reasons.

Why Use Them?

It is very important that you use barbeque grill covers when it comes to the upkeep and maintenance of your grill. First of all, the barbeque grill covers will protect your grill from the elements. This is perhaps the most important thing that a cover can do for you. A good grill cover is going to protect your grill from water, snow, and other moistures, as well as from heat and sunlight. All of the things in nature can really wreck havoc on your barbeque grill, so it is most important that you also invest in a good barbeque grill cover when you are purchasing your grill.

What Type To Use

There are several different types of barbeque grill covers that you can choose from. When you are deciding what type is best for you, the first thing that you should think about is what kind of weather your barbeque grill is going to be exposed to. If you are in a situation where there is a lot variance in your climate, you are going to want to purchase a much heavier and much stronger barbeque grill cover than if you are in a place where the climate is basically the same all year long.

You should also think about where your grill is going to be stored. If you are planning on keeping it in the garage or another covered place when you aren't using it, then the barbeque grill cover will become more of a dust cover, keeping the dust away from it and not letting small animals into it. In these cases, you don't need a very heavy or very strong grill over. However, if you are going to be storing it outside all year long, you are going to want to invest in a grill cover that is going to be able to withstand the elements that will be forced upon it. In the end, it all comes down to what your grill needs to be protected from, and what type of grill cover best protects your grill from whatever that is.

For more barbeque grill covers info visit

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Use Meat Smokers For Flavor

If you're looking to make the meat you cook taste better, there are plenty of techniques that can be applied to it in order to improve it. Marinating, brining, even just a pinch of salt can all help bring out the potential of meat. One method that's not practiced as much as it used to be is the use of meat smokers to add flavor from burning wood. Smoking is historically a method to aid in food preservation, since combined with the curing process, smoked meat is very resistant to spoiling. If you are interested in learning to smoke meats, you will of course need to look at meat smokers. There are several different types of smokers to choose from, and each has benefits and drawbacks.

The Basic Approach

The most basic way to smoke meat is to use some wood chips at the bottom of your grill and to close the lid. This is the easiest of meat smokers to practice with, since most homes already have a grill to work with. The amount of equipment that you need to accomplish this is small, merely a small metal box to hold the wood chips as well as the wood chips themselves. By using grills as meat smokers, you can practice smoking without much of an investment in complex equipment. However, because your meat will be close to the heat source, the effect will be closer to barbecuing than smoking, and cold smoking is impossible.

The Do-It-Yourself Approach

Some people want dedicated meat smokers, but aren't willing to shell out the money for one, or have a fondness for tinkering. There are different methods of creating meat smokers yourself, but one can be made using things as simple as a hot plate and a metal garbage can, among other items. The benefit from making your own smoker is that you can make a fairly decent one for not a lot of money. Depending on the design, you can create a smoker that's appropriate for both hot and cold smoking; the only limit is the work you put into it. However, most commercially made meat smokers will have more sophisticated equipment and more precise controls.

Purchasing A Smoker

If you're sure that you're dedicated enough to smoking foods that you will make frequent use of a smoker, purchasing a meat smoker is the way to go. Commercially made meat smokers have solid construction and controls that can control temperature, the smoking time, even the amount of smoke. Many will have designs that are appropriate for hot and cold smoking. The only real drawback to these meat smokers is that they cost more money than using your grill or making your own. However, whichever method you choose to try using meat smokers, a little practice and patience will result in creating food that tastes great.

For more meat smokers info visit

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